I know, you got curious there. But it's not really what you think. You see, I'm not yet ready to get pregnant or to give birth anytime soon. My two babies in between are more than enough to get me going through the day right now. So, sorry if I got you a bit excited there.
Anyway, what I'm referring to here is my newest blog - Phoebe Diaries. I consider it my new baby because it serves as my breathing space whenever I feel like everything (family, work, finances) is taking its toll on me. I just started it 3 months back, so it still has a long way to go. I guess as of this writing, it only has 11 posts, but I sure won't stop updating it because it's my way of preserving all those memories we have as a family.
So, if you've got free time, go ahead and check it out.

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