Trust is one of the most important ingredients in a relationship. Without it, any relationship will not last. I do agree with this, that is why until now I'm on the process of knowing whether it's right to accept Gaby's dad back or not. I'm having a hard time regaining my trust on him, even on the relationship as a whole. Although he's trying to be more open now, and already gave me all his passwords to his email, messenger, etc., there are still some things that cause me to distrust him like what he has done recently. I don't want to share the story here anymore because for some people, I'm sure they won't understand why I reacted that way. All I know is that instead of helping me to regain trust, all the more he caused me to have second thoughts of accepting him back.
Before, I was too confrontational. Maybe if I'm still like that, my first instinct the moment I saw his email would be to confront him about his action and start blaming him for hurting my feelings. But I told myself, "why waste your time and energy Bhem confronting him about that issue, then later on, he'll just use that against you? Why not focus on more important things than minding what he's doing or hiding?" Anyhow, even if I confront him or ask him about it now, I don't think it will make any difference. So, I decided to let it pass for now, and find the right timing to bring this up so he'll know what I feel towards his actions.
Regaining trust is really a very difficult process. My friends even say, "as long as your hurting Bhem and the wounds that he caused you in the past are not yet healed, you won't be able to trust him completely." I do agree with them because I would admit, until now, the horrible things that he has done to me are still fresh in my memory. And every time I remember them, anger enslaves me, to the extend that I want to dismiss the idea of accepting him back and give my baby a complete family. But I know, I should not let anger take over me, so I'm trying to be as open-minded as possible.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Regaining Trust
Posted by Phoebe at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: relationship
Saturday, February 16, 2008
In Limbo

Again, I ask myself, "why is it that when I needed him the most, that's when I can't rely on him?" You see, the plans I made are not just for me, but also for our baby. And when he comes home, it will be for him as well. But as of now, it's very apparent that I'm carrying the burden alone. Why? Because even if he wants to take part in materializing those plans, how can he if he entrusted to other people the supposedly resources that we can use.
I don't want to keep on blaming him for his wrong decisions, but I can't help it really. Things would have been easier for me, for us, if he has trusted me more. This is actually the one thing that makes me feel so bad right now. I felt so useless, so incapable of helping him because he trusted other people more, than his supposedly wife and mother of his baby.
I keep asking myself, "am I really that useless? am I really that incapable? I'm his wife, his partner, and the mother of his baby, but why give his trust to others? Me and Baby Gab are his family, but why does he have to make things so difficult for us, yet easier for others."
I'm so mad, I can't even explain the anger that I'm feeling right now. Why does he always have to make me feel so alone when I needed him the most? Why?
Posted by Phoebe at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
But what about me? Date? Roses? Chocolates? Oh come on, nothing exciting for me because I'm loveless! Yeah, poor me. Nobody cares, huhuhu!!!But well, at least I have my little girl. (yeah ryt, but still you're dateless Phoebe) Huh? Who said that?
Okay, okay...I'm dateless, I didn't receive roses or chocolates today, in short I'm loveless. But hey, this was my choice, to be loveless, to be not in a commitment. I would admit, I miss being in a relationship, especially during Valentine's day. Everyone seems to be "kilig" with this "love is in the air" feeling, except me. Well, this is definitely not my "lovey-dovey" year.
Today is just like those typical days. Work and then go home after to play with my baby. Well, I was able to chat with Gaby's father yesterday, but nothing romantic. You see, I consider him more of my bestfriend now than a partner or a lover. So, Valentine's day is, I guess, not so special for us this year. I just dont know next year...who knows?
Okay, so perhaps I was exaggerating when I said that nobody loves me. Gaby's dad and I, well, we're in a sort of "courtship stage"...Hahaha..Funny, right? We already have this baby in between, yet it's funny that he's on that stage where he's trying to win my love back. Well, it's a long story. But, I'm glad, really glad that he's trying to fix his life now (according to him) and prove his love for me and Baby Gaby.
He's in Korea right now, so no roses and chocolates for me today. He said he'll make up when he comes home around February next year. For now, he just gives me this Valentine's day comment (check it in my friendster profile) Well, not bad. Anyway, it's the thought that counts.

Myspace Graphics
Posted by Phoebe at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Special Days
My Baby's 3rd Month Birthday
Wow, look at her smile! How about this one?
Oh, my baby's so adorable! Her eyes, her lips, her smile, oh she's really a cutie. Isn't it so obvious that I'm such a proud mom?..LOLZ..
Posted by Phoebe at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby, Special Days
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Can't Wait to Go Home...
I don't have a picture of her with me here. So, I just settled on the pictures that I posted in my other blogs. But at night, when I'm alone at the "hotel", I can do nothing but imagine her cute face and her adorable smile since I don't have a laptop with me yet.
Want to see some of her pictures? Let me show you some...
Posted by Phoebe at 9:00 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Baby in Between is Now on Entrecard!
Posted by Phoebe at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Missing My Baby
Posted by Phoebe at 5:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I'll Miss You, Baby!
( me and my Baby Gaby )
Posted by Phoebe at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby
Friday, February 1, 2008
Just for the sake of posting
Posted by Phoebe at 2:00 PM 0 comments