Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Different Tomorrow
I'm leaving in a couple of hours, leaving the baby in between behind, hopefully just for a while. I'm going to miss her and long for her cute smile, for her calling me Ma-ma. Beginning tomorrow, I won't see her adorable face as the day ends for me at the office. And when I wake up in the morning, there will be no two super cute eyes looking at me and no little hands tapping me on the face.
I'll sure miss my Baby Gaby. I really hope that I'll find a nice place sooner so I can make her stay with me already. For now, I'll have to sacrifice and patiently wait...
Tomorrow will indeed be different. But I'm hopeful that things will turn out fine and that I will not regret this choice I made.

Posted by Phoebe at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just Hope
You know, leaving would have been easier if the people whom I have worked with in this office were given the same opportunity to transfer. Only a few were chosen, and that's what hurt me the most. I know there are other people who are also deserving to continue working in this company. I've seen how hardworking, dedicated, and focused they were in doing their tasks, and I've also seen how reliable they were when it comes to completing projects on time.
But one question keeps on repeating in my mind until now, WHY THEM? I don't want to be emotional here, yet I can't help wondering why the Legazpi Content Team? Why our group? I understand why they have to shutdown the facility, but what I don't understand is why most of my subordinates were not given any other choice but to accept that separation pay? You see, not even one from my current groupmates, whether team leader or rank-and-file, was given a chance. Not even ONE, not even ONE. :(
I don't really want to be bitter about the whole thing, yet whenever I remember how reliable the team players under my group to complete rush/priority projects, I can't help but wish that they are travelling with me tomorrow. Now, all I can do is hope! Hope that I get to work with them again. JUST HOPE. :(
I am leaving tomorrow, with a heavy heart and a clueless mind. I'm scared of the unknown...After years of holding on, I can't believe that I am really moving out of my comfort zone...
Posted by Phoebe at 5:16 PM 1 comments
Labels: Personal
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dirt Devil to the Rescue!
Now, what are my plans? First, of course, I would have to see to it that Baby Gaby will be well-taken care of when I leave her for let's say a month or two. I need to find a nice home first and get our things settled before I actually let her stay with me together with her babysitter. So, since I'll be living alone for quite some time, I'm getting myself ready in doing the house chores all by myself.
You see, I've been living with a helper for almost a year now, so I was a little used to seeing her do the house chores for me like washing the clothes, the dishes, and of course, cleaning the entire house. Now, without her with me, what can I do but to accomplish all these alone before and after work, and during weekends on which my free days fall.
Among the house chores that seem a little difficult for me to do is cleaning the entire house. Without a helper around, I just can imagine how dirty my house would be. Good thing, Dirt Devil is here to the rescue! With their AccuCharge Stick Vac and Hand Vac, cleaning would be way much easier.

The Dirt Devil AccuCharge is one of the newest breakthrough in cleaning technology. This is actually the first cordless cleaning product that allows homeowners to do cleaning in no time, and with practically lesser energy consumption. It even earned the Energy Star approval, so users are assured 70% less energy when cleaning.
I'm so glad that the Dirt Devil AccuCharge is here to do most of the work for me, while saving energy on the side. Even with my helper away, house cleaning won't be much of a worry now for me. Why not check it out yourself!
Posted by Phoebe at 5:32 PM 0 comments
I'm Back

Posted by Phoebe at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Away Over the Weekend...Again...
I'm going to make this post real quick. I'm leaving for my hubby's hometown this morning, and will be staying there for three days. Baby Gaby is already there since Thursday, so I'll just have to go by myself today.
Anyway, this 3-day getaway will sure help me a lot. I mean, with all the things that happened in the office lately, I really need some fresh air away from the city. I need time to contemplate on things as well, and perhaps start writing my blog posts expressing what I really feel towards the "demolition" that happened last Thursday. I don't know if you understand what I mean here, anyway, just wait for my coming post because I'll try to recount the scenes blow by blow.
Gotta go for now! See you on Wednesday guys..Ciao!
Posted by Phoebe at 8:27 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
SocialSpark is LIVE!!!
Recently, I joined SocialSpark for two main purposes: one is to take advantage of the opportunities that they offer and two is to meet other bloggers in the blogosphere. I’ve been trying to earn a little through blogging and meet a couple of online friends by blog hopping. So when I’ve learned about SocialSpark I really got excited. And now that it is live, I immediately created a profile. Check it out here.
Now, what’s the difference of SocialSpark to other social network sites and blogging opportunities out there? Okay, here’s the most obvious reason: it allows bloggers to interact with other bloggers online. Unlike in other sites, SocialSpark enables me to see other blogger profiles and get to add them in my friends list. I can even give any blogger a prop just like what I did to Joy. Joy is a mommy blogger like me. Now, why did I prop her? It’s simply because I admire mommies who blog for a living and enjoy sharing family stories.
I really love this new offering from IZEA. So far I’m enjoying SocialSpark, thus, I’m sharing it to you now my fellow bloggers.
*This is a sponsored post.*

Posted by Phoebe at 10:15 PM 0 comments
The Pursuit of Happyness

Posted by Phoebe at 9:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mobile Phones, Anyone?
But since I'm too busy to drop by at the nearest electronics and gadgets center, I thought perhaps it'd be better to go online shopping. And so I checked the net for a reliable online electronics and gadgets retailer. Here I found Tiga Dua Cellular.
Tiga Dua Cellular is a known retailer of brand new and unlocked wireless phones. Whether you are looking for Nokia, O2, Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Or Sony Ericsson, they have lots of new models in stock. And even if you are not from Indonesia, you can order one of their products because they offer worldwide shipping. So with Tiga Dua Cellular, you get to enjoy convenience and safe shopping at the same time.
I'm really looking forward to having my new mobile phone. Now, let me take a look again at what Tiga Dua Cellular has enstored for me.

Posted by Phoebe at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Father's Day Tribute
Papa Ghie, this is your day! On this special day, Baby Gaby and I want you to know that we love you so much and we'll always be here for you. Thank you for loving us the same way and for being a very responsible and supportive father. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

Posted by Phoebe at 12:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: Special Days
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Baby in Between Signed Up for SocialSpark
Now, how to sign up? It's very easy. Simply complete the signup form and submit. Other instructions will then be sent to the email you specified and the rest is easy to follow.
It doesn't take too long to get approved in SocialSpark. But once approved, make sure to keep their code of ethics in mind such as:
-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly
Joining SocialSpark is really very easy. Now, I get to monetize my blog while building community and driving traffic at the same time. I’m really glad that I found this site.
But hey, you too can take advantage of the exciting opportunities that SocialSpark can bring you. It’s time to take your blogging experience into a whole new level. Sign up now!

Posted by Phoebe at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: blogging, get paid to blog
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Make Me Understand
I don't understand a lot of things right now. Maybe, I'm in that stage again on which I prefer not to open up to anyone, just live alone, or try to figure out things for myself.
I am so mad, so frustrated of trying to please everyone with my little efforts yet I always end up as a failure. I'm trying so hard, but it seems that my efforts are not yet enough.
Damn, I'm so upset right now! How can I make you appreciate me, how can I make you see the big things from the little things that I do? Why is it so hard for you to appreciate me? Why? Make me understand...
Posted by Phoebe at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal
What's $7.50 Worth?
Anyhow, what's really $7.50 worth? Looking at the exchange rate now, a dollar is equivalent to 44.46Php. So, computing the amount, $7.50 is equal to 333.45Php. Now, what can I buy or pay with this amount?
1. $7.50 can already purchase 3kilos of rice, 1 whole chicken, and 1 tray of egg from my colleague
2. $7.50 can be used to pay my water bill and my balance in the tv cable connection
3. $7.50 can be my transportation allowance for 20 days
4. $7.50 can be my cellphone load for a month
5. $7.50 can buy my baby her diapers and vitamins
6. $7.50 for the baby in between's toys
7. $7.50 for 3 days budget on food
8. $7.50 to be used for buying new things at home like additional monoblock chair
9. $7.50 for a new set of baby clothes for Baby Gaby
and last but definitely not the least
10. $7.50 to be added to my Paypal account for Papa Ghie's Playstation 3
Now, is $7.50 worthless or too little to simply disregard? Why not try to look at the bigger picture to see that $7.50 is worth something, an important thing. It's actually a significant achievement of a mom and wife who, in spite of her full time job, is trying to blog on the side and make money online just to give her family not only their needs but also their wants.

Posted by Phoebe at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal
A Big Help
But anyway, what’s done is done. Thankfully, God did not let our house to be taken by the bank just like that. Through our (me and my brother) help, we are able to save it somehow. Now, if I happen to learn that any of my relatives, friends, or colleagues is in need of mortgage relief, I’ll gladly share to them about this ebook. If not, I’ll tell them to check out the handbook about no equity home loan and short refinance. These guides will sure save them from so much worries and trouble.

Posted by Phoebe at 4:00 PM 0 comments
On Long Distance Relationship PART I
For those who still don't know, Papa Ghie and I are living in different countries right now. I've just known him through the Internet last May 2006. A friend of mine introduced him to me, but not like in the traditional manner, "Phoebe meet Ghie or Ghie meet Phoebe". He just gave me Ghie's yahoo messenger id and so I added him to my list. At first, we didn't talk often, just a simple hi or hello when he happens to see me online (since it's me who's online most of the time). But later on, I just found myself confiding in him and he confiding in me. After almost a year of chatting, he decided to take a vacation and came home to meet me. And so, the rest is history.
Moving on, for almost 2 years now, we are in a long distance relationship. Although the baby in between is here now, still she's not enough reason for us not to have petty quarrels and sometimes nerve-wracking-which-almost-lead-to-total-breakup arguments. Long distance relationship really sucks, AS IN TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL. Let me share to you some things here to justify why I said so:
1. During petty fights, I can't embrace him or kiss him so he won't get mad anymore. Same with him, whenever I'm mad, he finds it hard to make me calm down compared if he's here on which he can simply crack a funny joke, make that funny face, or tickle me just to make me smile instead.
2. When we achieve something, like for example he got a salary increase or I did, we never get the chance to celebrate it together - a dinner treat for instance or a nice weekend getaway. We're contented on saying congrats through voice chat or putting nice comments on our Friendster account.
3. When discussing problems (re: family, friends, financial, and goals), sometimes it leads to heated argument. It's hard to explain and discuss serious issues by simply chatting or talking on voice chat.
4. Absence during special occasions such as birthday, Christmas, and New Year makes me curse the long distance relationship that we are in. We feel the same way when we see families celebrating together during these times. With us, we're contented seeing each other on webcam as we celebrate with our peers and families near us.
5. In times like transferring to a new home or doing housework which is supposedly done by a man, I can't help but envy other women whose husbands are around to do those chores for them. Same with him, he has no other choice but to wash his clothes and prepare his meals for himself.
The list could actually go on and on. But I decided to just limit it to 5 since I've already made my point why long distance relationship sucks. I'm sure other couples who are also in a long distance relationship experience the very same things that I shared here. But you know what, there are also cons in this type of relationship. As to what they are, I'd just reserve them in my coming posts.

Posted by Phoebe at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A Picture Can Truly Say A Thousand Words
I did send one. It was a photo of me and Papa Ghie during our first night together when he came home last February 2007. Here it is:
After Ate Razh edited it, here's how it looked:
Isn't it cute? Really it's true that the love that binds us together, grows stronger everyday. Even with Papa Ghie in Korea and me here in the Philippines, our love will continue to grow and withstand many difficult tests. For the baby in between, we'll conquer every problem that goes along our long distance relationship.
Thanks Ate Raziel! Ghie said the edited picture is awesome and he asked me to have it printed and framed so I can display it in our bedroom. Thanks once again. Here check out Ate Raziel's edited photos.
Posted by Phoebe at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal
The Baby in Between's 25$ Wish
Life and Me by Pinay Jade is one of the most interesting blogs that I constantly visit. I always love reading her stories and enjoy looking at the pictures that she shares. And so when she said in one of her posts that she's giving away 25$ and other fab prizes on her 100th post, I got pretty excited.
Now, when is the deadline? It's on 30th of June, 2008, so you still have time folks. Winners will be announced on the 5th of July 2008 and will be chosen with the help of

Posted by Phoebe at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging contest
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Just Like You
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is asking for a little appreciation means that you're being too demanding? Or, is it really wrong to say what you truly feel and be regarded as a person with negative attitude just because you opened up or just because you go overboard saying things which are not supposed to be said?
Lots of questions are running through my mind right now. And while seeking for answers, I remember this letter given to us during our Leadership Training program two months ago. When I read it over again, I couldn't help but relate it to the situation I am in right now, so I did a little revision just to make it appropriate for me. Here it goes:
Dear Husband,
You see me everyday...with many faces...
In many a mom, a friend, a daughter, and a boss...
But above all, I am your wife.
More than a wife, I am your partner,
Your other half, your bestfriend
And though I play different roles,
I try to be the best in everything I do
Just like you.
But lately, I'm wondering
Why you keep telling me that I never change?
Do you really see only the worse in me?
Why can't you see the nice things that I do?
Just like you, I have a good side too.
If I complain about a petty thing,
Maybe I am saying more than what you can hear
That I am a human being with feelings.
And just like you,
I want attention too.
I'll accept criticism when I've done wrong,
But how I wish you would praise me
When I have done right.
I am just like you,
I like compliments too.
When I emphasize a point that seems unimportant,
Maybe what I am really saying
Is that I consider my opinion important.
And I am just like you,
I want someone to listen to me too.
And when you share to me something,
Whether it's the song you like,
Or the great TV show or movie that you've seen
I go out of my way to listen and watch them too
So you'll feel appreciated
Now, I'm just like you
I want to feel appreciated too.
Some days you smile and some days you frown.
And I understand;
Your life is full of good days and bad days.
Do you understand I have good and bad days too?
I am just like you.
And when I complain about this or that,
Please don't repeat to me that I should change my attitude.
Haven't you ever complained before?
I am just like you,
I need to let off steam too.
And if I don't talk to you after an argument,
Don't think that I don't want you around,
Or that I don't want to humble down.
Please don't start a conversation which will just make things worse
I am just like you
I want to cool down first before I talk to you.
If this letter sounds like I placed all the blame on you,
Then I've failed to say what I mean.
I just wanted to tell you,
From my point of view,
All in all, I am just like you.
Your wife
Posted by Phoebe at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Personal