Last Sunday, me, hubby, the nanny, and the baby in between went to Carmona, Cavite to check on the house that we bought. As early as 9am, we were already at Starmall to meet with the agent. While on our way to the subdivision, I was feeling so nervous because what if hubby won't like the unit that I got. But all the feeling of anxiety cleared once my hubby saw the unit and said that he liked it especially the big comfort room at the second floor. While we were there, we kept on discussing about the improvements that we wanted to make and the kind of appliances that we would place. We also looked at the other "more expensive" units, and well, just like what I felt before, he also fell in love with the Oakwood type. We decided then that once our finances permit, we're going to upgrade for that bigger yet more expensive unit.
Anyhow, after going to Carmona, we then proceed to Sta. Rosa, Laguna. It is where one of his aunts stays. It took us around an hour to reach the place from Carmona, and well it was a little exhausting since we transferred from one transportation to another. But all the exhaustion faded once we saw the delicious lunch that his aunt prepared for us. And what happened next was an enjoyable conversation with her in between our lunch.
After the hearty meal that Tita prepared, we sat for a while and waited for hubby's cousin to arrive. He did came at around 2pm, together with his wife and kid, and a complete "stranger" chaperon. I even wondered who that girl was and why they let her came. But anyways, whether that chaperon was there or not, the main purpose of letting them came is for us to talk about the "business" that his wife and my hubby engaged in and so we're off to discuss that one.
First, I looked at the list that they gave us. OMG - I told myself, what kind of list was that? In a "business", everything - expense, profit, bad debts, and all should all be clearly listed. But on that list, I could hardly tell which is which. I don't know if my hubby's cousin-in-law is dumb or something, all I know is that she doesn't even know what basic accounting is. I felt so outraged while looking at the list and at the same time listening to her explanation. D*amn, how could Papa Ghie trusted this "d*umb"ss? I guess, she doesn't even know that 5% interest for a "risky business" at that is such a big bonus for those who are in dire need of money. Aarrrgghhh...
Anyway, to cut the story short, we just all ended the conversation by making a compromise. All the money that Papa Ghie invested will be paid back to us by his cousin, whether the debtors pay him or not. We didn't give him a timeframe as to when he should completely pay back the money, principal+interest wise. Thus, from that day on, all we are holding on are his words so as not to completely lose our trust.
Papa Ghie learned a very big lesson from that transaction with his cousin's wife - and that is not to be too trusting. We both felt pity though for his cousin because he was the one who suffered the consequences, while in fact it was his wife who did not regulate the transactions well. Instead of gaining profit from the big amount that Ghie invested, we ended up losing a lot. So much for trusting a "cousin-in-law" who doesn't know how hard money is earned from working overseas.
Whew, 'twas a really super-stressful weekend! If I didn't control myself, perhaps me and his cousin's wife will end up in a heated argument, like that in a scene of Iisa Pa Lamang between Scarlet and Catherine. But I'm not like Catherine nor Scarlet; I may have been silent the whole time but I was able to show them that I, as a wife, will never bring my husband down just like what his cousin-in-law did to her husband.