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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Mom's Struggle

The weekend is over once again, but my struggle as a mom is far from over. Why? Because I'm really having a hard time disciplining my two girls, especially the baby in between. Now, I'm starting to regret the fact that I'm a full-time working mom instead of a stay-at-home working one.

Ever since I gave birth to Baby Gaby last Nov of 2007, I never really got a chance to take care of her for a longer period. The longest so far was when I was on 1 1/2 month maternity leave, that was when she was still weeks to a month old. But after that, she spends more time with her nanny than me.

Now, why do I find parenting a struggle? It's simply because I can't get her to obey and behave whenever she sees her nanny around. Imagine, when she wants something, and she doesn't get it, she rolls over the floor and cries so loud. As much as possible, I don't want to spank her because she's still very small, but what can a poor Mommy do to change her misbehavior.

I really don't know what to do now to change the baby in between's attitude. Actually, I've already told Daddy about this problem, and all he said was, I should not stop trying to make sure she'll grow as a well-behaved girl. But how can I if I'm all alone to do the parenting stuff? And now I'm starting to ask, are the good jobs we have worth it?

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Chris said...

its really difficult... you may have to bond with her in special ways and try to get to know what makes her tick...