Feeding Baby Gaby has been a struggle for me the past days. When she was around 11 months old, this was never a problem to me and the nanny. We simply put her food in a separate plate and then let her hold the spoon herself. I let her use the bed tray to serve as her own table, and she loved it.
But lately, things are not happening the way I expected them to be, as far as feeding Gaby is concerned. Now that she has more teeth, I don't understand why she's having a hard time chewing and swallowing her food. Plus, whenever we let her eat alone, all the food just end up on the floor since she's contented with that one spoonful she has on her mouth. Ugh! The end result: I'm now the one feeding her, waiting for her to chew and swallow, which actually takes like forever.
Are you in the same boat as mine? I mean, are you also having problems feeding your toddler? If you are, well, I did a little research a while ago and I might as well share this information to you.
But lately, things are not happening the way I expected them to be, as far as feeding Gaby is concerned. Now that she has more teeth, I don't understand why she's having a hard time chewing and swallowing her food. Plus, whenever we let her eat alone, all the food just end up on the floor since she's contented with that one spoonful she has on her mouth. Ugh! The end result: I'm now the one feeding her, waiting for her to chew and swallow, which actually takes like forever.
Are you in the same boat as mine? I mean, are you also having problems feeding your toddler? If you are, well, I did a little research a while ago and I might as well share this information to you.
Tips on Feeding a Toddler1. Mealtimes should be set on a regular schedule. Three meals a day along with 2-3 snacks per day is sufficient for a toddler.
2. Sit down and enjoy the meal with your toddler. Mealtimes are as much a social experience as a nutritional one. Here you have the opportunity to model table etiquette, use of utensils, encourage language and sneak in a break for yourself.
3. Don't expect a toddler to sit for an hour and a half while you and your spouse chat over dinner. If your child says he's finished after just 5-10 minutes at the table, let him be excused. Do not offer him anything to eat until the next meal or snack. Always follow this rule and your child will learn to eat when he can.
4. Feeding time with a toddler is messy. Allow your child to feed himself whenever possible. Don't worry if it looks like more food is ending up on his head than in his mouth.
5. Give your toddler choices amongst the food you put on his plate. Do not make exceptions for your child and make him something different if he refuses what you have served him. If four food items are put on his plate be sure to make at least one of them something he likes. A bread choice is good to offer as it is rarely refused. Remember his likes and dislikes can change at any time so continue to expose him to different foods and even to foods he has previously refused.
6. Do not let your toddler drink milk and juice all day long. Sipping on drinks all day can curb their appetite and interfere with good nutrition.
Info Source: www.ehow.com
So there. I hope you find that info helpful as much as I do. I certainly learn a lot from reading it. Now, it's time to apply it to my little monster. Hehe LOL! :D Just kidding.

Hiya! I was here! :) blog roll visit time! ^_^
Hmmm I'm actually having hard time feeding my 2 yr old too.
Maricel --- Momhood Moments
Naku, ang Gabby ko ganon din...food is not something she looks forward...aside from ice cream and cookies....rice...pilitan lagi..kailangan daanin sa takot!
hi, thanks for dropping by, sure i'd love to exlinks with you...let me know if you are done so i can link you back..add this one too www.jbcantil.com
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