Friday, July 31, 2009
Ready for the Steroid Shots

Posted by Phoebe at 11:46 AM 1 comments
Labels: betamethasone, steroid shots
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Steroid Shots, Bedrest, and Work From Home at Pregnancy 27 Weeks
Up to now, I haven't reached the decision whether I'll get the shots or not. But at the back of my mind, something's telling me that I should. For now, the company already allowed me to have 2-wk bedrest with work-from-home privilege. Thanks to my very considerate boss there!
I'll keep you all posted about my condition. Thanks, by the way, for all your concern!

Posted by Phoebe at 9:07 AM 5 comments
Labels: betamethasone, high-risk pregnancy, placenta previa partialis, pregnancy, pregnancy 27 weeks, steroid shots, vaginal spotting
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Another Episode of Vaginal Bleeding at 27 Weeks Pregnancy
I'm only 27 weeks pregnant, so just the thought that I'm already going through premature labor really scares me to death. I mean, who would not? I guess, any expectant mom would if they know it's not yet time for the baby to come out.
I'm really thinking hard why I'm bleeding again. Could it be from the stress I get from work? From the long travel I do everyday? From the constant headaches that Daddy, the kids, and the nanny are giving me? From the freelance work that I do even on weekends? Or simply from thinking so hard as to how to go about everything: the family's expenses, the budget for the delivery, the baby's things, the coming of the in-laws, etc. etc. ?
And even if I wanted to be at the hospital right now just to be sure I'm not going through premature labor, I just can't. So, I'd just stay here, rest, and monitor my tummy and the bleeding. If it doesn't stop in a while, I'll rush to the nearest hospital even if that means I'd go alone.

Posted by Phoebe at 9:33 PM 7 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Still As Busy As a Bee

I'm really a one lucky woman out here. So, even if I am still as busy as a bee, I won't complain any further. After all, these too shall pass - the deadline in particular. And speaking of deadline, I'd better go back to my article writing before the writer's block hits me again. Ciao!
Image credit: www.abc-ca.org

Posted by Phoebe at 11:08 AM 7 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dinovite Dog Shampoo: A Gift for Jaymee

DogOsuds is really the best dog shampoo any dog could ever have. And so for a doggie as cute as Ate Raziel's Jaymee, I guess she deserves also the best from Dinovite. So I'm thinking about getting one to give her as gift. How about you? Is your dog itching, scratching and stinking beyond belief? Get DogOsuds now!

Posted by Phoebe at 8:28 PM 5 comments
Flu Shots for Kids and Preggy Mommy

Now, since Baby Gaby can't have the vaccine, only me and my 5-year old Yana will have it. But just a while ago, our company nurse asked me if my OB is okay with the idea that I get a flu shot. I alread asked one OB almost a month ago about this and she said that flu shot is safe for pregnant women. But I don't know why I'm having second thoughts about it now. So, again, I made another research about safety of flu shots for pregnant women to be sure. Read here.
Still I'm having second thoughts. Should I or should I not?
Image Credit: www.karendecoster.com

Posted by Phoebe at 2:11 PM 4 comments
Labels: baby, flu shot for babies and toddlers, flu shot for pregnant women, flu vaccine, pregnancy
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mommy Moments - First Steps
Both Daddy and I were not able to witness our Baby Gaby's first steps. Daddy was in South Korea while I was here in the metropolis, leaving the baby in between at my in-laws care together with the nanny. According to her Ate Rose, Gab started making her first steps as early as 9 months. She first did it by holding on to the bed's headboard. Then, when she's on the floor, she also held on to the bed's sides for assistance. I got to see her do that when I went home around August of 2008. I even took a video of her, unfortunately the video was among the files I lost when my MacBook was reformatted.
Anyway, even if Daddy and I were not able to see her first "real" steps, I'd like to share to you here her first steps with us, together as a complete family. These pictures were taken when Daddy came home last October of 2008(their first meeting), prior to her 1st birthday. See, there's a lot of firsts there LOL :D !
I so love that last photo there. Daddy and Gab looked so sweet HHWW - holding hands while walking HAHA!
That's it for now! Want to see more of Mommy Moments? Click here.

Posted by Phoebe at 3:10 PM 9 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby, first steps, Mommy Moments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The In-Laws Are Coming
Last year, when I gave birth to Baby Gaby, I had my aunt and uncle around. So, I got a little support there. Initially, I was not thinking about letting my father- and mother-in-law to come here during my delivery date. I so thought that the nanny and I can manage. But with the siblings having regular fights lately, I don't think so. And so, after I told Daddy that perhaps it would be better if his mom is here, he immediately called her and told her to come.
So there. Three months from now our home will be filled with new faces. Hehe :). This will be the first time that they'll see what their son has been investing on over the past year. I just hope they will like our new home and will enjoy their almost one-month stay. For now, let me book their tickets while some flights are still on promo. Ciao!

Posted by Phoebe at 7:03 AM 2 comments
Labels: father-in-law, mother-in-law
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Joining Summer Camps is Fun
Now that I am a mom myself, I'm thinking about letting my little girls attend summer camps when they're bigger. But with the busy schedule that I have, I don't think it'll be easy for me to find local events in my area. Good thing the local events widget from Nickelodeon is now very much accessible. By simply entering the zip code, parents can be connected to the fun activities for the family available in the area.
Wow, so that means summer camps are not just for kids alone these days! I wonder why we didn't have those when we were kids. It would have been a great experience spending the summer with the whole family, and not just us siblings. But anyway, I'd just do it with my family now so they'll also experience the fun of joining summer camps.

Posted by Phoebe at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: summer camps
Toddler Tantrums - When to Say "NO"
Perhaps, you already know. The usual sibling rivalry started, and it's because of Gab's tantrums. That's right! Often times, when the two fight, it's because Gab has her toddler tantrums again. She wants everything by herself, toys, books, cellphone, PSP, mommy's wallet, ballpen, even the attention of her Daddy when Yana tries to move the laptop towards her. And when she doesn't get them, she'll start crying, and worse, screaming.
Being a full-time working mom at that, sometimes Gab's tantrums really get into my nerves. And so the least that I do is to tell her Ate Yana to just give in to what Baby Gaby wanted. I know, it's wrong, and Yana will eventually realize that what I do is also wrong, because when she has tantrums herself, I never give in to her and I say no.
Oh, I just don't know what to do with Gaby. I want to say "NO" to her when she wants everything for herself beyond reason, but I just can't with all the stress that I already take from work at the office and outside. If only it's so easy to follow what this article says:
When to say “No”
Although tantrums are a normal fact of toddler life, they can be minimised by setting sensible limits – for yourself as well as your child.
Say “No” to frustration beyond your toddler’s tolerance limits
Challenges are necessary for children to develop, but try to step in before a challenge becomes a frustration by offering help. Guide gently, but don’t take over. For instance, gently turn the puzzle piece so he can put it in by himself. When you sense your tot is reaching the brink, create a diversion towards a calming, soothing activity – a different place, a toy, a hug, a story, a song or perhaps a snack.
Say “No” to overwhelming situations
Look for common tantrum triggers. Do they seem to happen mostly when your tot is tired? hungry? rushed? Are there situations he finds difficult to handle such as playgroup or shopping? Keeping a tantrum diary might help you understand triggers.
Try to think ahead and limit overwhelming situations. For instance, plan short shopping trips when he isn’t tired, take nutritious snacks whenever you go out and don’t wait for difficult behaviour before you offer food.
Say “No” to junk food
Some foods can adversely affect children’s behaviour. Sweets can trigger blood sugar variations, caffeine in ‘coke’ drinks can hype kids up for hours – so they are literally unable to sit still, let alone fall asleep, and additive or chemicals – even in foods that are normally considered healthy can affect some sensitive tots. Again a tantrum diary might shed light on tantrum triggers.
Say “No” to misunderstandings
Try to tune in and listen carefully to what your little one is trying to tell you. Encourage toddlers to express frustration or anger verbally. If their language skills are limited, help out. Say “you look angry that your block tower crashed.” Or, “I get angry too, when I can’t have what I want.”
Say “No” to too many rules
Don’t sweat the small things. Rules like seatbelts and holding hands near roads are not negotiable, but a balance between health and safety and a happy day can benefit family relationships (and sanity), so childproof your home and keep rules for really important things.
Say “No” to too many choices
Opportunities to make decisions help a toddler feel in control but too many choices can confuse and overwhelm him. Instead of open-ended choices – “what do you want to wear?” ask “would you like to wear your blue shirt or the red one?”
Say “No” and mean it
It’s far better to say “yes” initially than to change your mind after your child has exploded. (Remember “maybe” means yes to a child). Rewarding genuinely uncontrollable tantrums can encourage tots to use (semi)deliberate tantrums to get what they want.
Say “No” to embarrassment
It can be difficult to consider your child’s feelings when he performs a tantrum in public but whatever you do, don’t yell back, don’t smack and don’t resort to giving in because you feel embarrassed. And please, don’t walk away from an out of control tot in places like shopping centres. It is scary enough to be out of control without also feeling abandoned. The best thing you can do here is scoop up your child and leave.
Say “Yes” to comfort
Because you know your child best, you’ll know whether he’s better letting off steam by himself (with you nearby) or whether he needs to be held quietly. If you find walking away works for your child, return when he settles, hug him and say “I’m still here and I love you.” Giving reassurance is not giving in. Just as adults need comfort when they feel upset or overwhelmed, toddlers need to know they are loved, even when their behaviour isn’t lovable.
Source: www.bellybelly.com.au

Posted by Phoebe at 9:48 AM 8 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby, toddler tantrums
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Purple Towel Wrap, I Like!

It'll be 93 days more before I give birth and so I'm really thinking that this new purple towel wrap will be the perfect gift I can give to myself. It'll definitely feel great to have something softer and more colorful to wrap my body after I take that first post-natal bath.
So, what do you think? Should I include it in my budget now?

Posted by Phoebe at 12:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: laundry bag, nap mat, Posy Lane, towel wrap
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hands Are Full
So, yeah, my hands are full. But I'm thankful because God continues to shower me with these blessings. I'd be worried if no extra work comes in for me anymore. For now, I'll keep the fire in me burning - or should I say that writer's enthusiasm in me. *wink*

Posted by Phoebe at 11:57 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Preggy Mom's Night Out - The A. Venue Hotel Experience
At lunch time, when Daddy went online, I told him if I can go and spend a night with my best friend. He asked where the place was and who will be with us. It was just me and my best friend, so he said yes. At 4:00 pm, off I went to SM Makati, to meet my best friend whom I haven't seen over the past 5 months.
- Air-conditioning
- LCD television with cable connection
- Coffee / Tea maker
- Double bed
- Hair dryer
- Internet connectivity in room
- Microwave
- Mini-bar
- Non-smoking provision
- Private toilet and bath
- Room safe
- Shower with seat tub
- Telephone with IDD/NDD access
- DVD player
- Stand up television
In the morning, my best friend and I woke up at around 7am (hehe first time in months for me not to report early for work). She said we have a complimentary breakfast - oh just what me and the little eater inside me want! The breakfast was superb, I so loved the French toast! All the time I was eating, I was thinking about the kids, the nanny, and Daddy. I even told my best friend that I'll let them experience the hotel experience as well even for a day or two. Perhaps, when Daddy comes home next year, I'll plan a travel for us family and book ourselves in a really nice hotel like A. Venue.
Oh well, it was just a night out, but I certainly had fun bonding with my best friend. Too bad, we didn't have pictures together. Still, I'm cameraless, and though my phone has one, I never bothered because it doesn't have a USB cable. Anyway, let me just show you a pic of the unit we stayed in A. Venue Hotel Suites Makati.

Posted by Phoebe at 10:46 AM 4 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Mommy Moments - Playing Time

But anyway, when Daddy was here, they were able to spend a really quality playing time together. Let me show you their pictures when we went to Megamall's World's of Fun last January.

Posted by Phoebe at 8:33 AM 18 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby, Mommy Moments, Papa Ghie
Ugly Sweaters...Just Right for the Ugly Weather

Oh, speaking of Ugly Sweaters, let me share a little info about this site that offers Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Mens Ugly Sweaters. You think I'm kidding? Nah! It's true. Ugly Sweaters is an online resource that offers a wide selection of the ugliest sweaters that you'll ever see. You might say, "Who would want ugly sweater this time of the year?" Well, there are a couple of people out there who want. And they just can't help but laugh once they wore them. They also make great unique gifts, so if you haven't found that gift for your humorous friend, why not give him/her one of these Ugly Sweaters.
Ugly Sweaters are just right for the ugly weather we’re experiencing now. And, with the added humor in them, perhaps our bad rainy day may turn out okay at the end of the day.

Posted by Phoebe at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tips on Feeding A Toddler
But lately, things are not happening the way I expected them to be, as far as feeding Gaby is concerned. Now that she has more teeth, I don't understand why she's having a hard time chewing and swallowing her food. Plus, whenever we let her eat alone, all the food just end up on the floor since she's contented with that one spoonful she has on her mouth. Ugh! The end result: I'm now the one feeding her, waiting for her to chew and swallow, which actually takes like forever.
Are you in the same boat as mine? I mean, are you also having problems feeding your toddler? If you are, well, I did a little research a while ago and I might as well share this information to you.
Tips on Feeding a Toddler1. Mealtimes should be set on a regular schedule. Three meals a day along with 2-3 snacks per day is sufficient for a toddler.
2. Sit down and enjoy the meal with your toddler. Mealtimes are as much a social experience as a nutritional one. Here you have the opportunity to model table etiquette, use of utensils, encourage language and sneak in a break for yourself.
3. Don't expect a toddler to sit for an hour and a half while you and your spouse chat over dinner. If your child says he's finished after just 5-10 minutes at the table, let him be excused. Do not offer him anything to eat until the next meal or snack. Always follow this rule and your child will learn to eat when he can.
4. Feeding time with a toddler is messy. Allow your child to feed himself whenever possible. Don't worry if it looks like more food is ending up on his head than in his mouth.
5. Give your toddler choices amongst the food you put on his plate. Do not make exceptions for your child and make him something different if he refuses what you have served him. If four food items are put on his plate be sure to make at least one of them something he likes. A bread choice is good to offer as it is rarely refused. Remember his likes and dislikes can change at any time so continue to expose him to different foods and even to foods he has previously refused.
6. Do not let your toddler drink milk and juice all day long. Sipping on drinks all day can curb their appetite and interfere with good nutrition.
Info Source: www.ehow.com
So there. I hope you find that info helpful as much as I do. I certainly learn a lot from reading it. Now, it's time to apply it to my little monster. Hehe LOL! :D Just kidding.

Posted by Phoebe at 1:32 PM 3 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby, feeding a toddler
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
DogOsuds: The Perfect Dog Shampoo for Bibo
Remember my post about Budoy and Enya? Budoy is our dog that scratches, stinks, and itches beyond relief. Even if my dad wash him today, the next day he smells so bad again. And his skin is so dry and flaky, so we could not really bath him everyday. I wonder how he is now. The last time I saw him was when I visited my dad.
So since Budoy's not here, let me share to you about Bibo this time - Enya's playmate. I've seen Enya the other day, and oh that girl doggie is looking good and smelling better. Maybe my neighbor took my advice to use dog shampoo for her. She look so amazing now; she no longer scratches, stinks, and itches like before. So, today, it's Bibo's turn.
The problem with Bibo is actually the same that of Enya's. He also keeps on scratching and smells really stinky. But what bothers Bibo's owner more is that whenever he washes Bibo, like for example he washes him today, the next day he'll smell as if he never took a bath. And worse, he get to wash him just once a week or every other week at that because his skin is so dry and flaky. Oh, I could just imagine how hard this must be for my neighbor! Hmmm. Maybe it's time I share to him this exciting new product from Dinovite - the DogOsuds.
The DogOsuds is a natural shampoo which contains a 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. These oils are known to have healing properties, so the shampoo can do a lot for Bibo's flaky skin. It also contains no harsh chemicals, no fillers, and no perfumes - which is just perfect so that Bibo will no longer experience dry skin. And as far as rinsing is concerned, no need to worry since this dog shampoo is made to lather beautifully and can be rinsed easily.
So, what else would anyone look for in a dog shampoo? Oh yes, I forgot to mention - the DogOsuds is also a natural flea deterrent, so Bibo can now say goodbye to scratching! Indeed, there are lots of benefits that come in using DogOsuds. And I can hardly wait to see how this perfect dog shampoo will work wonders on Bibo.
How about you? Is your dog itching, scratching and stinking beyond belief?

Posted by Phoebe at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dinovite, dog shampoo, DogOsuds
99 Days and Still Counting
Oh, 99 days, still a long wait! :( I can't wait to see how my baby boy looks.

Posted by Phoebe at 2:47 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Some Space...I Need a Break
I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my work, and I love this baby. But I'm having a hard time doing the best for my husband, for my kids, for my work, and for this baby because I hardly feel that love for myself. I need some "me" time. Ever since I got pregnant, all I ever think of are the expenses for the delivery, the monthly amortization, the bills, the extra work for extra income, the stuff needed for the house, and the kids' needs. No time for myself, not even a day.
I want out of this pregnancy soon. It restricts me from spending time for myself. Now, my daily routine is work-home-work-home. I could not even go out with friends on weekends, much more do some shopping because we hardly got the extra cash to do that.
I am happy that I'm having this baby boy, no doubt about that. But I'm not too happy about my life now. I'm being enslaved by my vulnerable side again. And I don't like it, not at all. So, I guess, some space will help. Hopefully!

Posted by Phoebe at 2:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Out with the Old, In with the New...Toddler Shoes
I gave her the Nike sneakers as a gift for her 1st birthday last year. Since I bought her a size bigger, I thought it'll fit her until she turns 2. But I guess, I underestimated her size. See, it's only been 8months since I bought it and now it won't fit her. Same with the Kaboosh shoes. I also bought it to be used for her 1st birthday party. Now, it doesn't fit her as well.

Oh, babies really grow so fast these days! I have no choice now but to get Baby Gaby a new set of toddler shoes. But, I'm thinkin' about being a little practical this time. I'd say no more to branded and expensive toddler shoes, and yes to less expensive but still quality one.

Posted by Phoebe at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Gaby, KaBoosh, Nike, toddler shoes
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Another Friendship Chain

"Anyway, thanks for this friendship chain Mommy. I appreciate it. And boy I'm glad that I made it to your top entrecard droppers for June. "
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.
Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.
1.Picturing of Life 2. Juliana’s Site 3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space5.My Family is my Life 6. The Simple Life of a Baghag 7. On A Wonderful Day Like Today 8. House Everything 9. The Creativity in Me 10. Travel and Photography 11. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 12. You Are My Sunshine 13.Song to Remember 14. Super Blog 15. Philiippine Tv Marathon 16.Simply Blue 17. Breaking the Boundaries 18. Top Five 19. A Simple Life 20. Simple Happy Life 21. A Great Pleasure 22. Glossa~licious 23. Time Goes By 24. Sweet Nothings 25. Entertainment Spree 26. The Baby in Between 27. YOU'RE NEXT!
Now, I'm passing this to all the bloggers included in my blogger list. Happy friendship! :)

Posted by Phoebe at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Baby Gaby is Having a Baby Brother

When I told Daddy about the news, he didn't want to believe at first. Or perhaps, he just couldn't believe it that we got the timing right. But after I showed him the ultrasound photos via webcam, he was beaming with such a big smile. I could see how happy he was. And I was really expecting it. He suddenly forgot that we just had a big fight a few days back. LOL :D
So that's it! Baby Gaby is having a baby brother in 3 months time. I wonder if he'll look just like her. I like! *wink*

Posted by Phoebe at 11:04 AM 0 comments